Memory Game Launch Project
Memory game is single player game designed and developed in adobe flash application with actionscript 3.0 scripting logic. The player will see the 16 grid face down, then will pick two images to turn over. On each turn, the player will first turn one image over, then a second. If the player picks two images that match, the player scores one point, the two identical images are removed from the game, and the player gets another turn. If they do not match, the images are turned back over.
This game is simple and additive. I created and developed the logics behind the scene. The eight identical pairs of the image will be random placed in the placeholder each time when the player open up the game. Every click on the image will simultaneously trigger the sound of clicking, after the second image has been clicked by the player, it will stay up to 3 seconds before it flipped back if the two images did not match so the player has a short time to memorized the image. When the player finished the game, the game system will generate the report to tell user how many times the player has been guessed for the pair images and show the congratulation message.